
All sessions are delivered virtually so all you need to get started is access to a laptop, computer or tablet and a quiet space to have your session.


CBT Sessions

Working together, we will start to connect the dots between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Once we have done this, we will have a working understanding of what is causing the problem or issue.

CBT is a collaborative therapy where you will be asked to take an active role in creating change. Once we understand the issue and some of the things that are keeping you stuck, we will work together to create goals around things you'd like to change.

You may be asked to complete 'homework' or tasks outside of the sessions in order to make the most of the strategies covered. This will be an important part of therapy as you work to develop a toolkit of strategies to help you feel more in control of your daily life.

The overall aim of CBT is for you to become your own therapist and continue to use and add to your toolkit as and when you need to.

Therapy for Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are a very serious illness that can have long lasting and sometimes fatal consequences. People often hear that they can't recover from an eating disorder and will have to 'learn to live with it'. However it is my belief that everyone can change, everyone can recover from their eating disorder. If you or someone you love is struggling with their relationship with food or their body, you can get in touch here to find out more,


MANTRA is the Maudsley Model of Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults. It is a highly effective therapy for adults with anorexia which promotes change to support personal growth and wellbeing alongside the difficulties of managing anorexia. Treatment first looks to help build understanding of where the illness comes from and, what keeps it going, unpicking the unhelpful ways of coping and exploring alternatives.

MANTRA combines individual and joint sessions with parents, partners or friends to help find ways of working with support to challenge the eating disorder and work towards your aspirations and goals.  

Family Therapy for Anorexia/Bulimia (FT-AN and FT-BN)

The Family Based Approach; The best treatment for teenagers and young people with eating disorders

In essence, the family based approach to eating disorders, looks to support parents to take on the role of treating their child at home. Initially, sessions look to focus on re-establishing regular eating patterns and parents are tasked with taking back responsibility for making sure their child gets enough nutrition.

Once eating is more normalised and risks are reduced, therapy looks to support the child or young person to take back responsbility for maintaining their diet and we start to look at challenging some of the other eating disorder beahviours such as over exercising, choosing low calorie options etc in an effort to move towards more typical teenage behaviours.

Finally, sessions look to empower the family unit to return to normal life.

Individual Sessions

Sessions are tailored to your unique needs, providing a confidential environment for self-exploration and personal development.

  • Personalised approach
  • Confidentiality guaranteed
  • Experienced therapist

£55 per 60 minute session


Joint Sessions

It can often be useful to include family and loved ones in some of your sessions to explore ways that they can help support you towards meaningful change.

  • Personalised approach
  • Confidentiality guaranteed
  • Experienced therapist

£65 per 60 minute session


Family Sessions

Family sessions can include as many members of your family as you feel are necessary to help you feel supported.

In FT-AN/BN or any treatment for young people with eating disorders, including the family can be really valuable in helping the young person feel safe, loved and cared for.

All families are different and it may not be possible for everyone to attend every session. I'm happy to talk about what works for you and your family and how to get the best out of your session.

£110 per 60 minute session


If you're not sure which approach is best for you or which type of session meets your needs, click below to get in touch and discuss your needs in more detail.